We Were On TV6 News
Wilderness Resort LLC was a featured story on the local evening news!

TV6 news is our Upper Michigan's News Source, and on Thursday, July 1st, 2021 they did an on-air story on us. Click image or link below to watch our news feature:

WLUC-TV6 is a Michigan-based news station located in Negaunee, Michigan. You can watch the latest WLUC-TV6 on-air news recordings on their website:
The Wilderness Resort thanks you for your support and continued support!
We look forward to your stay.
Rick, Michele, Darron, and Jamie
Creating an inviting escape in the Keweenaw's pristine wilderness since 2014.
Office Address: <<<Check in Here!
11778 Superior Street, Lac La Belle, MI 49950
Lodging Address:
6309 Fifth Street, Lac La Belle, MI 49950
Phone: (906) 369-5369
Email: info@wildernessresortllc.com
Website: www.wildernessresortllc.com
Facebook: @WildernessResortLLC
Instagram: @wildernessresortllc
TripAdvisor: Wilderness Resort